
sound, 38 min

beyonsense is a sonic research on the voice, language and the sensorial. how do those entities interact in the production of meaning? what happens when the voice and the sensorial leave the accepted field of meaning and create other words, modes of voicing, of being? taking its title from a quote by russian futurist poet velimir khlebnikov, the research is an exploration into the space beyond what is commonly seen as “sensical,” and ponders the connection with the “sensorial.” in various audio fragments, vocal experiments encounter writings by theoreticians, academics and artists as a meditation on the oscillation between “saying” and “doing.”

excerpts from the following authors and works are included:

abram, david. the spell of the sensuous: perception and language in a more-than-human world. new york: vintage books, 1997, 74-75.
dolar, mladen. a voice and nothing more. short circuits. cambridge, mass: mit press, 2006, 30.
eidsheim, nina sun. sensing sound: singing & listening as vibrational practice. sign, storage, transmission. durham: duke university press, 2015, 1-2.
jemisin, n.k. the obelisk gate. new york: orbit, 2018, 361.
jemisin, n.k. the stone sky. new york: orbit, 2018, 44, 45, 47.
labelle, brandon. lexicon of the mouth: poetics and politics of voice and the oral imaginary. new york: bloomsbury, 2014, 62-63.